I-Pal Kagawa (Kagawa International House) Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kagawa International Exchange Association

Notes on translation

Please use the meeting room


Date and Time Available

Male employee Female employee  XNUMX am-XNUMXpm

 (However, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays are until XNUMX pm).
 Monday is a closed day.

 (However, if Monday is a national holiday, the museum will be closed on Tuesday in principle)
 As a general rule, preparation and tidying up shall be included in the rental time.

 For other details, see "Meeting room usage information"Please refer to the.


Use restrictions

 As a general rule, activities for the purpose of profit such as selling goods in conference rooms are not possible.

 In addition, it cannot be used for commercial product exhibitions, product explanations, seminars, lectures, etc.



Reservations accepted

"Notice"Regarding the 2nd and 5th conference rooms, as part of measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection.

 Although we had suspended individual rentals, from April 2020, individual rentals will continue as before.

 will resume.

 Trying to use it for the purpose of implementing projects that are recognized as contributing to the promotion of international exchange in this prefecture

 If you do, the date of useXNUMX months agoFrom, in other casesXNUMX months agoYou can accept from.

 ■ Usage fee list

 *Availability of reservations from February 2025 to May 12, 2025 (February 12, 2025 edition)


   2024 Reservations and Availability (February 1st - March 31st)

   2025 Reservations and Availability (April 1st - May 12th)

 * Please call the number below for confirmation and reservation.

   (Public interest incorporated foundation) Kagawa International Association


 * Submit the application form and pay the usage fee within XNUMX weeks from the reservation (visit, phone, fax).
   In principle, you will receive it.

 * In case of cancellation on the day, the usage fee will be charged unless it is unavoidable such as a typhoon.



How to apply

 Please submit the "Kagawa International House Use Permission Application".

 The application form is in the office on the XNUMXnd floor of I-Pal Kagawa.

 You can also download it. (Conference room use application form download version)

        (Pdf format) or (Excel format)

 Please fill in the required items and visit us or fax (XNUMX-XNUMX-XNUMX) to apply.


Use of the accessory equipment

 About the attached equipment that can be used Usage fee list for more information.

 A ceiling-mounted LCD projector is installed in the XNUMXth conference room.

 It can be used in the XNUMXth independent XNUMXth and XNUMXth connection and in the large conference room.


kakukaigishitsunoookisa haichi.jpg

Size and arrangement of the conference room

  On-site facilities  Photos and specifications  .

  In the conference room on the XNUMXrd floor layout drawing .

  Connect the XNUMXth, XNUMXth and XNUMXth

  Set up in a large conference roomlayout drawing  OfThis is an example. (*)

  In the small conference room on the XNUMXnd floorlayout drawing .

  In the exhibition room layout drawing .


 In the above example of setting up a large conference room, tables, chairs and other equipment are added, but the standard is XNUMX tables and XNUMX chairs (total of XNUMX, XNUMX and XNUMX conference rooms).
 If you want to add more than XNUMX tables, you will need to rent at least one of the XNUMXst, XNUMXnd, and XNUMXrd meeting rooms to supply the tables.


Terms of Use

 "Precautions when using the conference room"Please refer to the.

《About toilet repair work》

This year, IPAL Kagawa is carrying out renovation work on the second floor toilets.

Therefore, the second floor toilets will not be available for use during the following period.

October 19th (Saturday) - March 6th (Thursday)

We apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your cooperation.