Communication in Japanese is difficult at the Kagawa International Association
To support foreign residents and promote multicultural community development
We dispatch volunteers such as interpreters.
Foreign residents Not only individuals, but also school educational institutions, medical institutions, health and welfare institutions, etc.
Please use it positively even in institutions and groups related to foreign residents.
We are also looking for volunteers to play an active role, so please do not hesitate to apply.
In particular, we are looking for volunteer interpreters for Vietnamese, Burmese, and Lao.
1 Volunteer interpreter
Volunteer support for interpreters when foreigners in the prefecture use medical institutions, health and welfare institutions, etc.
2 Japanese language instruction volunteer
Volunteer support for foreigners living in the prefecture to teach Japanese necessary for daily life.
3 Volunteer understanding of Japanese culture
Volunteer support for foreigners living in the prefecture to deepen mutual understanding through cooking, tea ceremony, folk dance, sports, etc.
4 International Understanding Volunteer
At school educational institutions, etc., we will introduce the experiences of foreigners living in the prefecture and those who have experience in international cooperation, study abroad, etc. and provide language guidance, etc., to coexist with foreigners and to understand internationally.
We will carry out dissemination and enlightenment.
≪Data on volunteer enrollment can be found here. »
★List of registrants by volunteer type and municipality (as of R6.12.31) (PDF)
★ List of Japanese culture and international understanding volunteers (as of July 5.7.31, XNUMX) (PDF)
≪Procedure to dispatch volunteers »
≪When using volunteer interpreters, please be aware of the following »
1 Dispatched volunteers should not engage in activities that require a high degree of specialized knowledge, activities that may cause harm such as infectious diseases, activities whose main purpose is profit, or other activities that are not suitable for volunteer activities.
2 If the requested volunteer activity is deemed inappropriate as the volunteer activity described in 1 above, the request for dispatch will be refused.
3 The medical or judicial responsibility associated with the activities of the dispatched volunteers will be borne by the person requesting the dispatch.
(Our association has joined the insurance system, and we will cover the cause of the volunteer's own cause caused by the volunteer's activities within the scope of the insurance.)
4 Rewards for dispatched volunteers, transportation expenses, and materials (*) will be borne by the person requesting the dispatch.
5 The reward is 1 yen per hour, and the transportation cost is the actual cost (1,000 yen per km is the standard when using a car).
≪ How to apply for a dispatched volunteer »
1 As a general rule, volunteer dispatch must be applied at least one month before the day when dispatch is required (however, three days for "Interpreter Volunteer").
2 Clarify the activities of the volunteers requesting dispatch, fill in the attached "Volunteer Dispatch Request Form", and send by e-mail, fax, or mail.
Please apply to the following.
★ Flow from request to the end of dispatch (H29.7) (PDF)
3 The volunteer dispatch request form for interpreters is available at the I-Pal Kagawa 2nd floor office.Also, please use the following download version.
★ Japanese version dispatch request form (R2.11) (Become/PDF)
4 Please fill in the performance report within 2 weeks after dispatch and send it by e-mail, fax or mail to the following address.
★ Japanese version performance report (R) (Become/PDF)
5 Inquiries / Applications
Kagawa International Association
To "Volunteer Dispatch Business for Interpreters"
E-mail destination: toroku *
(Please change * to @)
≪ We are looking for people who can volunteer and interpret! »
1 Prior registration is required to participate in volunteer activities. Fill out the "Volunteer Registration Application Form" and go to the above address
Apply by email, fax or mail.We will send you a registration card to your home at a later date, so as a volunteer interpreter, etc.
Please carry your registration card with you when you work. (The registration period is from the date of registration to the end of December, which is less than 3 years.)
★ Registration flow (H29.7) (PDF)2 It will be easier for you to request a dispatch if you describe your experience and qualifications in a more specific and detailed manner.
3 Please be sure to include the e-mail address where you can receive the attached file on the registration application form for the purpose of guiding the workshop and promptly exchanging dispatch requests.
≪ For those who are registered as volunteers ... »
1 We will send you information about the workshops held by our association or other organizations by e-mail.Please participate actively.
(For details of past training sessions, etc., please see here.You can check at. )
2 We rent out books that are useful for volunteer activities.Please bring your registration card when renting out.
★ List of books dedicated to volunteers such as interpreters (R6.3: Japanese language instruction) (PDF)
★ List of volunteer books such as interpreters (R4.1: Interpreters) (PDF)
≪Renewal of registration »
1 We will confirm your intention to renew before the registration period stated on the registration certificate expires.
2 The registration period for volunteers is from the date of registration until the end of December, which is less than 3 years after the initial registration, and until the end of December, which is 12 years later when renewing.
≪ Forms for volunteer interpreting (available in multiple languages) »
The procedure for registering as an interpreter volunteer and the application form can be found at the I-Pal Kagawa 2nd floor office.Also, please use the following download version.
1 Dispatch request form & performance report
★ Volunteer dispatch request form for interpreters (Japanese version R2.11) (Become/PDF)
★Invoice for dispatch of volunteers (Chinese version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ Request Form for the Dispatch of Volunteers (English version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ 통역 등 자원봉 사자 파견 사업 자원봉 사자 파견 요청서 (Korean version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ Formulario de Solicitud de Voluntarios (Spanish version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ Formulário de Solicitação de Envio de Voluntário (Portuguese version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ Request Form para sa Pagtatalaga ng Volunteer (Tagalog version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★Đơn xin phái cử tình nguyện viên thông dịch (Vietnamese version) R5.3)(Become/PDF)
2 Registration application form
★ Volunteer registration application for interpreters (Japanese version R2.11) (Become/PDF)
★ Application for registration of a person who has a translation, etc. (Chinese version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ Registration Application for Volunteers (English version R original.6) (Become /PDF)
★ 통역 등 자원 봉사 파견 사업 등록 신청서 (Korean version R original.6) (Become /PDF)
★ Formalio de Inscripción como Voluntario (Spanish version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ Formulário de Inscrição de Voluntário (Portuguese version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★ Application Form para sa Pagpapatala na Maging Volunteer (Tagalog version R original.6) (Become/PDF)
★Đơn đăng kí tình nguyện viên thông dịch (Vietnamese version) R5.3)(Become/PDF)