I-Pal Kagawa (Kagawa International House) Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kagawa International Exchange Association

Notes on translation

About the subsidy system for international exchange groups, etc.

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Grant 1.jpg

 We promote voluntary and creative grassroots international exchange, international cooperation or multicultural coexistence by private organizations in the prefecture.

By supporting activities that contribute to and support activities for foreign residents, the base of these activities in the prefecture

We are implementing business subsidies within the budget in order to expand the number of people.

 Organizations wishing to receive a grant should submit the grant application form and related documents for the year in which the project is conducted.Until January 1st of the previous yearSubmit to

For more information, please visit the Itabashi City website.

 Subsidies will be issued to organizations that have examined the content and found it appropriate.

 The contents and rates of the international exchange project cost subsidy and the foreign resident support project cost subsidy are as follows.

About XNUMX businessUp to 10 yenWill be delivered to.

 In addition, you cannot apply for the same project in duplicate for the international exchange project cost subsidy project and the foreign resident support project cost subsidy project.

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Subject content and rate of international exchange expenses

① Target business

 (1) The following are projects mainly carried out in the prefecture for the purpose of promoting international exchange, international cooperation, and multicultural coexistence.


  Applicable to any of the businesses.

  A Project to deepen exchanges between local residents and foreign residents

  B. A project to promote international understanding of local residents and mutual understanding between local residents and foreign residents

  C. A project to foster regional leaders involved in international exchange, international cooperation, and multicultural coexistence

  D. Other projects that are suitable for the purpose of this subsidized project and are deemed to be particularly necessary.

 (2) It is a project planned and sponsored by the target organization, and the content of the project is concrete for implementation.that

 (3)  Subsidies, etc. have not been received from the national or local governments, or corporations in which they have invested or contributed.When.

 (4)  Being a non-profit business.

② Subsidy rate

 Within half of the project cost for one project

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Subject content and rate of grants of foreign residents support project costs

① Target business

 (1) A project to support foreign residents implemented in the prefecture that falls under any of the following projects.

  A Japanese language learning support project for foreign residents (including foreign children and their parents)

  B. Life support (including education counseling, life counseling, etc.) business for foreign residents

  C. Disaster support projects such as disaster prevention drills for foreign residents

  D. Business to support the independence and social participation of foreign residents

  E. A project to foster local leaders involved in supporting foreign residents

  F Other projects that are suitable for the purpose of this subsidized project and are deemed to be particularly necessary

 (2) This is a project planned and sponsored by the target organization, and the content of the project is embodied for implementation.There is.

 (3) Subsidies, etc. have not been received from the national or local public bodies and the corporations in which they have invested or contributed.こと.

 (4) Being a non-profit business.

② Subsidy rate 

 Within 10/10 of the project cost for one business

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Subsidy Rules etc.

 -Kagawa Prefectural International Exchange Association International Exchange Project Expenses Subsidy Grant Guidelines (PDF version)

 -International Exchange Association International Exchange Project Expenses Subsidy Form Collection (word version)

 -Kagawa Prefectural International Exchange Association Foreign Resident Support Project Cost Subsidy Grant Guidelines (PDF version)

 -Foreign Resident Support Project Cost Subsidy Form Collection (word version)

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Disclosure of subsidy grant results (common to subsidy projects such as international exchange project expenses and foreign resident support project cost subsidy projects)

 We will disclose the name of the organization that received the grant, the business to be granted the grant, and the amount of the grant.

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Transitional measures

Please continue to follow the old system for procedures such as reporting the results of the subsidized projects in XNUMX.

 (1) Subsidies for international exchange projects, etc.

   ・ Subsidy performance report for international exchange projects (old style) (word version)

   ・ (Old) Kagawa International Association International Exchange Project Expenses Subsidy Grant Guidelines (PDF version)


 (2) Subsidy for foreign residents support project cost

   - Foreign Resident Support Project Cost Subsidy Performance Report (Old Style) (word version)

   - (Old) Kagawa Prefectural International Exchange Association Foreign Resident Support Project Cost Subsidy Grant Guidelines (PDF version)

Grant 7.jpg


Kagawa International Association 


1-11-6 Bancho, Takamatsu City I-Pal Kagawauchi

TEL 087-837-5908

FAX 087-837-5903

Closed on Mondays

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Regarding subsidies for the conference room usage fee

The Kagawa Prefectural International Exchange Association has opened the conference room of the Kagawa Prefectural Exchange Center to promote international exchange and cooperation based on the Kagawa Exchange Center.

When using it, there is a system to subsidize the usage fee.

To use it, please first submit the "Grant Application Form" and "Usage Permission Application Form".

   ★Kagawa International House Conference Room Usage Fee Subsidy Application Form (word version)

   ★Kagawa Exchange Center Use Permission Application (excel version)

   ★Kagawa International House Conference Room, etc. Usage Fee Subsidy Guidelines (PDF version)

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Disclosure of results

  ★FY2023 Report on Grants for International Exchange Projects  
  ★FY2023 Grant Results for Foreign Resident Support Projects  
  ★FY2023 Kagawa International Community House Conference Rooms and Other Facilities Fee Subsidy Report
  ★FYXNUMX International Exchange Project Expense Subsidy Grant Report
  ★Fiscal XNUMX Foreign Residents Support Project Expenses, etc. Subsidy Grants
  ★FYXNUMX report on usage fee subsidies for conference rooms, etc. at Kagawa International House
  ★FYXNUMX report on subsidies for international exchange projects
  ★FYXNUMX Foreign Residents Support Project Expenses, etc. Subsidy Grant Results Report
FYXNUMX report on usage fee subsidies for conference rooms, etc. at Kagawa International House
  ★Reiwa XNUMXnd year international exchange project cost subsidy grant performance report
  ★Reiwa XNUMXnd year foreign residents support project cost subsidy grant performance report
  ★Reiwa XNUMXnd year Kagawa International House Conference Room, etc. Usage Fee Subsidy Results Report
  ★31 International Exchange Project Expenses Subsidy Grant Performance Report
  ★31 Foreign Resident Support Project Cost Subsidy Grant Performance Report
  ★31 Kagawa International House Conference Room, etc. Usage Fee Subsidy Results Report
  ★30 International Exchange Project Expenses Subsidy Grant Performance Report
  ★30 Foreign Resident Support Project Cost Subsidy Grant Performance Report
  ★30 Kagawa International House Conference Room, etc. Usage Fee Subsidy Results Report


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