Main training contents in the past
≪Training for supporters≫
・ Multilingual support center installation and operation training
・ Evacuation center patrol training
≪Training for foreign residents≫
・ Know about local disasters
・ Learn how to protect and help yourself and others
・ Experience a shelter
・ Learn the vocabulary and kanji required in the event of a disaster
≪Common to supporters and foreign residents (joint implementation) ≫
・ Deepen exchanges between participants through games related to disasters
* See below for the implementation report.
(25,26,27,28,29,30,Year of the reunification,Reiwa 2nd year)
Useful information link to support foreigners in the event of a disaster
"Disaster Prevention Guidebook for Foreign Residents" (International Affairs Division, Governor's Office, General Affairs Department, Kagawa Prefecture)
◎Information for foreign residents supporters
-"Search for multilingual display sheets in the event of a disaster" / Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
-"Pictogram search for disasters" / Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
-"Multilingual evacuees registration card / food pictograms (FOODPICT)" / Council of Local Authorities for International Relations
・ "Multilingual pointing board"
-"Glossary / Expression / Reference Material for Disaster Language Supporters" / Council of Local Authorities for International Relations