2024 "IPALJICA"Film festival" will be held.
This time, we will be screening the Indian film "Bajrangi Uncle and the Little Lost Child."
After the screening, there will be a talk event with JICA officials with ties to India and Pakistan.
Date and time: Sunday, February 7, 2, 23:13-00:17 (doors open at 00:12)
Location: I-Pal Kagawa Mezzanine Exchange Floor (2-1-11 Bancho, Takamatsu City)
Admission: Free
Application: First 70 people
Application: Japan International Cooperation Agency Shikoku Center (JICA Shikoku) Kagawa Desk
070-2305-8623 jicadpd_desk_kagawa@jica.go.jp
・Screening of the Indian film "Bajrangi Uncle and the Little Lost Child" (159 minutes)
・After-talk: "Let's talk about India and Pakistan together."
- Try on traditional costumes (if desired)
*Concurrent event JICAJapan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers launched60Anniversary "Panel Exhibition of JICA Overseas Cooperation Volunteers from Kagawa Prefecture"
日時:令和7年2月12日(水)~24日(月・祝)9:00~18:00 (※最終日は16:00まで)
Location: I-Pal Kagawa 1st floor I-Pal Plaza
For more information, here.