I-Pal Kagawa (Kagawa International House) Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Kagawa International Exchange Association

Notes on translation

February 2017 Archive

 We are looking for individuals and groups who can support the activities of our association in order to further activate international exchange and cooperation in this prefecture.We sincerely look forward to your enrollment.

For further information, please read here.

More than ever before, we are looking to increase our activities in international exchange and co-operation. In order to achieve this goal, we are opening applications for new I-PAL members to assist us in our efforts. welcoming you.

For more information, look here.

 The Kagawa International Association holds free consultations by administrative scriveners.

Not only foreign residents but also Japanese people who are related to foreign residents can consult.

We will keep it secret, so please feel free to use it.

If you are a foreigner who does not speak Japanese well, please come with someone who can speak Japanese.

☆ Sunday: 1st Tuesday of every month 11: 00-13: 00

☆ Place: I-Pal Kagawa 2nd floor exchange floor

☆ Consultation content: Status of residence, international marriage, employment of foreigners, traffic accidents, etc.

For further information, please read here.

☆ Inquiries / Applications Kagawa International Association

TEL 087-837-5908 (Closed on Mondays)

* If Monday is a holiday, the museum will be open, and in principle, it will be closed on the following Tuesday.

Homepage of Kagawa International Affairs DivisionYou can download more.It is also distributed at I-Pal Kagawa.

・ Easy Japanese version

·English edition   

・ Chinese version  

・ Korean version

・ Tagalog version

・ Indonesian version

・ Portuguese version

・ Spanish version


Homepage of Kagawa International Affairs DivisionYou can download more.It is also distributed at I-Pal Kagawa.

・ Easy Japanese version

·English edition   

・ Chinese version  

・ Korean version

・ Tagalog version

・ Indonesian version

・ Portuguese version

・ Spanish version

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